Sunday, March 25, 2012

Warm Days of March

Here are some fun photos from March (even though it may look like they were taken in June)

Oh boy! I found my blue chair!

Oh a camera. Cheese...Cheese...Cheese

 What is that bright thing in the sky?

What is that big black thing you are sticking in my face?

OH! It is a camera, that is so funny.

Take a picture of me and Gorgy , Cheese

 Orgy look at the camera

Look what a good brother I am, I will hold your hand.

 I love Gorgy, she needs a hug.  No hug is complete with out sound effects....awwww.

Oh yea, mom is still taking pictures....cheese!

Take a picture of Moa (Sam's name for Mona)

Take a picture of the sprinkler, mama
 I love my blue chair, take more pictures mama (yes, he was REALLY into my taking pictures of him today)

 This picture taking is tiring

 Look I have my elephant

Why are you STILL taking pictures?

Look Mama, I can draw while sitting in my blue chair.

Yummy binki!

Ohh...I see a bubble.
 There is another bubble
 Mama take a picture of me sitting in my blue chair and the bubble machine.

1 comment:

  1. Awww...too cute!! Can't wait 'till Easter:) Great pictures Brooke!
